The club of blue and orange, white and cream. Where words and numbers would flow from our hands with the speed of a waking dream. With a wink and smile we would dive in the abyss, a journey into intellectual bliss. Like children at a video arcade, clutching the coin weight in our pockets, we filled our lungs as full as we could to dive down into a dark mysterious world, where the deeper you went, the higher you rose into the atmosphere.
We all knew it couldn't last forever. We practiced the social etiquette of reciprocity. We held the beast it in quiet respect, even when we flew too close to the sun and felt the burn on our skin. We knew sooner or later the others would catch on, but until then we ran as fast as we could while the beast pumped through our veins, innervating our brain with the humble power of god.
We were the The Secret Society of Alchemists.
Flying to perfection, we were watching time.