Sunday, April 14, 2013

Ant farming

it immediately got covered in it's own thing. That's very odd isn't it?* /Enough drawing - time to write.

speaking of eyeliner. [new, waterproof, new top design -weird, pen-like nature, partly smudged.]

so, as we were saying, you can't make an two dimensional magnum opus. it just doesn't work like that [vigorously washing face], face later 'burned',  raw and red. enters cheap makeup from Target,
"putting on my makeup was a theatrical event today, it took the whole ride to the house.

Ants are cool and all but fuck, I don't want to live in an ant colony in goddamned ant farm. Two-dimensional, porous, limited professionalism, limited perforation. A 8 inch ceiling and ever so,close glass walls, tunneling, winding openings. it's not bad it's not bad it's just not what I want.

Please oh dear, don't make things to two-d.

I'm waiting, so patiently for Dragon, he's sleeping and waiting too. /in the shop for repairs we say. ha

in the meantime....

Enter no-face monsters,
sliding, slipping, creeping,

funny thing to sit across from yourself drawing yourself and someone sits in your seat. Ah, Oh what's wrong. It's okay, I was sitting across drawing myself. You kind of sat on me but its cool, it'll be fine.

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