Thursday, October 14, 2010

Particulate matter

It's hard to explain to most people why there is still particulate matter in the atmosphere and what is has quietly done to my world; ashes of a belief that burned to the bone and left an unidentified heap of pain and broken dreams. She made it real, even though all that is left of her is a thought and a residual scent of a campfire that has settled in the back of my mind like a night terror long after you have awoken.

Before I drove home to the woods I sat on the curb in the parking lot and listened to this epic on repeat.

And when this one came over the radio on my drive home I thought of the smoke that was filling my lungs and I thought of her body lying still on the ground of a shack and her flesh burning away to nothing. I wonder if laid her down gently or just tossed her down.

I hear it often on the radio now, I wan't to tell people they don't know, they don't understand. Maybe they know, maybe everyone knows and have all along. Maybe they have gotten used to the hurt, or maybe they don't feel pain the same way I do.

It's raining outside, started this morning, and it will probably rain all day. I will use the rain to wash the sky of the smoke billows that emerged and snuck away into the evening sky as her soul faded into the trees, and the thought of something horrible and real crept in through my nostrils.

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